Anything Ainsley
About Anything Ainsley

A Creative Learning Platform

The Mini Messengers team hopes you will join Ainsley on her learning journey and get inspired along the way. We are on a mission to make multisensory learning accessible to every child and want to have fun while we are doing it !

We will be exploring topics like Arts and Crafts, geography, citizenship (local and global), mindfulness, reading, health and wellness, and sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Get Involved

Suggestions, partners, ideas, friends of Ainsley concepts.

Anything Ainsley is a platform for young minds to get inspired and grow.
We believe that children are capable of absorbing all different avenues of knowledge and we want to provide them with the resources to do so.
Made by parents, teachers, students, and creatives alike.

Latest posts

Anything Ainsley
  • Aug 31

6 Reasons Why Arts and Crafts Are Crucial For Your Child’s Development

There's no denying that arts and crafts are one of the most exciting things to do with kids! But let’s …
Anything Ainsley
  • Aug 11

5 DIY Craft Activities to Consider for Your Kids Today

If there are two words that strike fear and unease into the heart of any parent, it's the dreaded "I'm …