About Anything Ainsley

Anything Ainsley started as a passion for crafting. When we realized that traditional schooling methods weren’t going to be the best resource for Ainsley, we started doing research into other avenues of learning. Through trial and error, we discovered that hands-on multisensory learning was one of the most effective ways for Ainsley to thrive. We incorporated crafting into her “curriculum” as a way to supplement her Art class. Through crafting, we realized we could help kids all around the world by creating an online platform to share everything we were learning along the way. From DIY eco-friendly crafts to reading literacy, we wanted to create a space where diverse learners could grow. And thus, Anything Ainsley was born.

We are a team of people that want to share the resources that have helped Ainsley on her learning journey. We hope to engage and entertain while providing meaningful tools to young minds. Our mission is to empower and educate children through multi-sensory learning so that kids all around the world can confidently communicate & grow to their highest potential.

Everyday, we are working to build and identify resources that help young minds while translating those resources into videos so that we can provide our youth with relevant & fun learning tools so they can succeed.
